

Passion. Experience. Diligence.



Project development has many moving parts and an array of different stakeholders involved at various stages. We can help you manage your schedule, budget and manage other consultants to streamline reporting, manage data centrally and free up time for you to focus on strategic development.


Stakeholder engagement is the cornerstone of any successful development and it is essential to have a well-thought out engagement plan laying the foundation for long-term stakeholder relationships. We offer a variety of services related to engagement throughout Western Canada including:

  • Stakeholder Mapping & Identification

  • Personal/One-on-one Consultation

  • Development of Customized Engagement Plans

  • Development of Engagement Materials

  • Issues Identification and Providing Strategic Advice for Mitigation

  • Communications Log Management

  • Planning & Execution of all Engagement Activities

  • Design, Execution and Support at Community Open Houses

  • Stakeholder Relationship Management

  • Agency Consultations

  • GIS Mapping for Engagement Support


With only a few Market Participant Choice (MPC) transmission lines permitted in Alberta, our team has the expertise and experience to help you successfully navigate the engagement and permitting requirements of the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). Services associated with MPC transmission lines include:

  • Development and Coordination of AESO NID PIP Requirements

  • Project Management to Navigate the AESO MPC Process

  • Development and Coordination of Engagement Materials

  • Coordination of Other Consultant’s to Avoid Duplication and Improve Efficiency

  • Design, Execution and Attendance at Community Open Houses

  • AESO NID PIP Reporting

  • Preparation and Filing of Facilities Application and Completion of AUC Information Requests

  • Advice on Project Scheduling and Land Requirements for Asset Transfer

Due Diligence and Constraints Analysis

Several different federal, provincial and municipal policies must be taken into account during project planning to determine the true buildable area. Due diligence and constraints analysis includes:

  • Review and Analysis of Applicable Policies and Legislation

  • Researching and Mapping Applicable Constraints

  • Preparation of Constraints Maps

  • Preparation of Preliminary Solar Layouts


Various permits are required from municipalities, provincial agencies and sometimes federal agencies for energy development. We will assist you in determining which agencies require consultation and what permit applications are needed for your specific project. Regulatory permitting services include:

  • Determination of Project Specific Municipal, Provincial and Federal Permitting Requirements

  • Strategy Development for all Project Permitting

  • Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Facilities, Substation, Power Plant and Interconnection Applications

  • AUC Industrial System Designation (ISD) Applications and Amendments

  • Ancillary AUC Permit Application and Exemption Applications

  • Identification and Mitigation of Permitting Roadblocks

  • Permit Approval and Expiry Tracking

  • Development Permit Applications, Land Use Amendments/Overlays, Subdivisions and other Municipal Permits

  • Permitting Road Mapping and Scheduling

  • Coordination with Other Consultants for Obtaining Permits


Early identification of potential land issues is crucial for project development success. We can help you identify potential issues and constraints, secure the required land rights and register your interests. Land acquisition, due diligence and feasibility services include:

  • Title & Caveat Review

  • Option & Surface Lease Acquisition

  • High-level Constraints Analysis

  • Site Selection Assistance, Route Planning and Mapping

  • Site-specific Constraints Mapping

  • Third-party Agreement Acquisition

  • Right-of-Way/Easement Acquisition

  • Caveat/Interest Registrations

  • Foreign Ownership and Farm Land Security Board Applications

  • Project Compliance Reviews and Audits

  • Construction Support/Attendance

  • Temporary Work Space Agreements

  • Damage Settlements
